Travelling made easy and cheaper

Travel Eazi is a service for booking hotels, air tickets, and other travel services for professionals

We bring to you the best domestic and international flight and hotel deals you can ever find anywhere alse. You can get over 1,800,000 hotels, flight ticket deals and other services throughout the world.

Compare and book get the best deal for your

If you are looking for an affordable, reliable domestic flight and international flight and accommodation, you will be guaranteed to find the best options, using our unique online flight & accommodation booking system. Our website analyses airlines offering flights and hotels across South Africa and around the world. This way we can help you find a flight or accommodation that fits your budget, preferences, and schedule.

Our system only takes a few minutes before you have completed your flight bookings online and are ready to depart on your trip. We conveniently compare flight prices from every single airline in South Africa and abroad, as well as many international airlines instantly to give you the freedom to choose the most suitable flights, bring you everyday savings and save you time

Book that bucket-list trip (finally!)

we search hundreds of travel sites at once to find the cheapest flights and hotel deals for you

Quickly scan all your favourite travel sites. Book a cheap flight or a hotel to a popular international or domestic destination today!

How To Book A Ticket?

Booking flights and accommodation has never been easier! Follow the few easy steps to find and book your flights in just minutes.

Search For Your Flight or Hotel Bookings

Booking flights and accommodation has never been easier! Follow the few easy steps to find and book your flights in just minutes.

Book Flights & Confirm

A results page is shown with the cheapest deals displayed at the on the left of your screen

Checkout and save

After choosing the best deal for you, complete the online booking form, make payment and SAVE!

Booking made easy

Use the following simple steps in order to purchase international and domestic flight tickets online:

  • Enter your details into the Flights Search Box booking system located throughout our site
  • Select either a return or one-way flight depending on your requirements
  • Complete the outbound and inbound departure and destination cities
  • Enter your dates and times
  • Should you require more options click on the MORE OPTIONS button
  • Lastly, click the ‘Search for Flights’ button to proceed and view the available flight options

Booking flights and accommodation has never been easier! Follow the few easy steps to find and book your flights in just minutes.

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